Keep running and don’t stop running! Unless maybe you’re Shira and Pegasus, in which case, stop running and fight 20 men all on your own.

Trapped between a 200 foot drop, and 20 soldiers that want their heads. The end of the gauntlet to save the children is here, and unfortunately there’s a guillotine waiting to cut our heroes heads…

Only a few more stories of rickety wooden walkway stand between our heroes and safety. Who will make it to end alive? How many children can survive the onslaught of attacks? How many punches can…

An escape that has been rough, but doable, suddenly begins taking a turn for the worse, as the regiment of TTT soldiers can no longer be held back, and Dweezil and Shira find themselves playing…

Shira and Dweezil stand against a small battalion of unknown assailants, are they’re skills enough to keep them alive as the orphans escape? Are Sapphire’s skills enough to keep her from dying between the space…

Two hundred feet. Can our heroes make it two hundred feet up a wall, assaulted by magic and assassins every step of the way? Esp without Sapphire Melody, as she take’s a step into something…

It’s go time! Can our heroes get the orphans out of their prison? Can they convince Waltz to help without violence? How badly are they gonna beat up Benny?!

Our heroes seek to make a deal with the fairies before confronting the Happy Sunshine Orphanage, and their deadly owners, directly.

Finishing up the battle against the hit squad sent against them by Waltz, the team takes her criticism to heart and decides on a plan, vowing to end the Happy Sunshine Orphanage now matter what…

Fire! Blood! The HQ is on fire, and assaulted from all sides by armed thugs. With two newborns inside, can our heroes prevail?

Our heroes head back home, know that more than likely, each of their footsteps is followed by others, hidden deadly trackers waiting to make them dead.

The gang learns why aerial combat is dangerous! Or do they stop for a second to try and convince Waltz that they can help her clean up the orphanage and save the children?

Having finished committing terrible acts against what they now half-believe is an ally, how can our heroes contact the double agent working among the Happy Sunshine Orphanage? And how difficult can it be to create…

Our team gathers together and meets in the dark confines of The Crow’s temporary HQ, to find out what they can learn from the captured kidnapper that Pegasus has brought them.

The gang finishes dealing with Mcguffin, and hurries to meet up with Pegasus. Can they reach him before he ends up dead in an alleyway? We recorded this episode during an Extra Life 24 hour…

The team heads off to talk to the police, trying to find a new ally in Detective McGuffin. Meanwhile, hidden in a dark ally, Pegasus faces down against three dangerous kidnappers.

With secrets in hand from Benny’s home, our heroes quickly hurry to stake out the Happy Sunshine Orphanage, hoping that at least for a little while that it won’t be bussiness as usual at the…

The building collapses! There’s only moments to make a decision, only heartbeats to find a way to escape before everyone finds themselves crushed and drowned in the garbage river.

Having placed unknowingly placed herself in the belly of the beast, can Shira fight her way out successfully from the hidden market? And what will our heroes find hidden at Mr. Benny’s totally normal home?

Our heroes try again to talk directly to Hugo Hans about the mysterious clothing hidden in the shadows of his store, while Shira attempts to infiltrate the dark market beneath the Tower of Commerce.

Finishing their business at the importer’s, our heroes remember a slew of old events they left hanging at the wayside. Though some might only lead to a dangerous, bloody end.

The group investigates the mysterious past of an orphanage manager, convinced that there’s something hidden there, a buried truth.

Our heroes decide the most prudent course of action is to purchase copious amounts of unidentifiable medication from a previously unreliable source! And immediately use it!

Are there more secrets to be found in Derek Murphy’s house, or just in his mouth? And will Dweezil’s delicate sensibilities survive another trip down to the bottom of The Basin?

Having earned at least a small bit of The Crow’s trust, our heroes discuss how to stop the Happy Sunshine Orphanage, and no idea is too bad.

The crew decides to don their spy clothes to undercover the mystery of the Happy Sunshine Orphanage. Can they steal any real information from under the watchful eyes of the workers? And what secrets does…

Shira meets her families old friend face to face, but can she convince Brekt to help? And will the rest of the crew be able to rescue the children of the Happy Sunshine Orphanage?

Shira stalks into the cellar of Brekt’s tower, looking for it’s hidden owner. Meanwhile, the others decide it’s finally time to save the children.

The remaining members of the crew break into Brekt’s tower to rescue Sapphire and Shira from the police. It might be a little more difficult then just fixing a gutter though.

Undeterred, Shira and Sapphire infiltrate the mysterious brass tower that should hold a clue to her family, as the rest of the team rolls up to provide support.

Can Shira survive the dangers of her own curse, and the deadly magic of her own comrade Sapphire melody? Can Pegasus  find the proper lie to explain why they’re standing in a dead man’s private…

Our team continues to butt their heads against the mystery of the golden accounts room, while Shira and Sapphire melody ride into soggy Little Occam, looking for answers.

Our heroes stumble on something mysterious, and search for what’s hidden beneath the surface. Meanwhile, Sapphire Melody goes on her own adventure through Shira’s belongings.

Our heroes in the secret dock prepare to cause a ruckus and widespread chaos, as Shira carefully peels back the envelope on an old, lost letter.

Can the players infiltrate the secret dock without instantly and immediately alerting every single murderer to their presence? And is doing that easier or harder than granting new life to a many eyed new friend?!

The players engage in a one on one fight with giant construction equipment over a definitely lethal drop. Also, shopping!

Our heroes decide to investigate the hidden room of the Tower of Commerce, rather than burn it down immediately. After all, it’s not like there’s any real danger there is there? Meanwhile, Shira and Sapphire…

It’s time to break walls and break necks! Time to shatter stone and the daily commission rate of textile salesman. Time to harvest toothpaste and consider harvesting bones.

Determined to take the fight to their enemies a little bit, the team splits up. One group heads back to infiltrate the Benbow Inn, while the other head the investigate the Tower of Commerce. Can…

Their business complete, and their names forever etched into the halls of athletic competition, our heroes prepare to leave the smuggler’s tavern when something unexpected stops them dead in their tracks.

The whole team meets back up, and decide how best to use their stolen prize. Use it to destroy their enemies? Sell it for an exorbitant fee? Crush it into dust and have Beans eat…

Pegasus is forced to make a decision, can he save Sapphire Melody while avoiding getting killed by a squad of heavily muscled thugs and Melody herself? Meanwhile, the rest of the crew steps foot into…

Prize in hand, our heroes look back on the warped inn and wonder what powerful magic they might just be handing over. Is the money worth what might happen?

It was supposed to be an easy job. A quick buck. But now our heroes are staring down an infinite stretch of empty hotel halls, and it looks likes they’re gonna have to work for…

When Lolani left, she didn’t just leave behind friends and good memories, but also dark, unfinished mysteries. What lurks inside the once warm Benbow Inn? Can the players get a quick payday and survive?

Our heroes are between missions, and that can only mean one thing! A calm and complete inventory of the current state of Atla politics and recent events, with a focus on linking previously acquired errant…

Our heroes had plans. They had shopping to do, side quests to manage, tasks to get done. But that was before this morning, and now the only thing that matters is figuring out what happened.

Only half the crew got to see what was waiting for them as they woke in the morning, so that means we still have more to see! And no matter how much some of them,…

A carriage bounces through the streets of Little Occam, battered and torn by the storm in the night. Where is it taking Sapphire Melody?  And will the morning bring relative safety and comfort to our…

Another adventure complete! Time to divy out the treasure, and head home for a round of relaxation and rest. Home is where you lie your head, where nothing hides in the corners of your eyes,…

Explosives ready, and finger hovering over the button, it looks like Pegasus and Sapphire have run out of time! How can they possibly keep the house from being turned to splinters?!

Never not be running! The team rushes to plant the bombs, but the constant assaults on them have begun to take it’s tole. Meanwhile, Pegasus needs to make a decision, exactly what is he willing…

Pegasus and Sapphire drag their employer into the haunted house, hoping beyond hope that they can find a way to fix everything. But can they find a solution before the others finish traversing the hellscape…